Sunday, May 30, 2010


Can the rain just go away...come on I know that its Rose Festival time but really we don't need you..... its really depressing.. OK I just had to get that out....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Abigail 9month pictures

Abigail she is my little girl... looking just like her mama but let me tell you she had sure got her daddy in her as well.... This is a simple little group of her 9month pics... I really can't believe she is already 9months... were has the time gone?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

need to change.....

Well I think the time has came.. the time to change... meaning change the way I look... I have cut my hair died it... now time for the body... I was walking around in work today and I was by myself and I cought a glimps in the mirror and can I say.... I started to cry.... this isn't the person I want to be. I have never seen myself this big..... I ahve never seen my arms the way they are or the way I have two giant rolls.... I tell you it was the most depressing thing I have ever seen. This isn't the way I want my kids to see me....

I want Dominic to see a thin mama and a mama who can run and play with him... Not a mom who just sits on the couch or on a bench and says go play... I want Abigail to see someone who loves herself and is proud... right now thats not me... I'm huge and I wasn't even this big when Prego with either kid... I feel as though i have hit the bottom... This really can't be. What is wrong with me... what happen to that person who has been big but always had confidence well she isnt' here. A big part of me says why me and then the other part says you did it all to yourself. Really that is the truth. Now its time to fix it. Its time to get up off my ass and do something about it.... I can't have my kids see their mom be like this. as of today 5/25/2010 I Jolene Garrett will change my life will change the way I eat will change to make sure I'm here for my kids... I want them to be proud of their mom and not imbariesed..... I have to change and I will do it...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Time with the Family

Abigail she likes to be outside with Grandma... she likes to be held... ya that my girl... she likes to eat grass and leaves... ya and then choke.. good times.... she is my light skin red head.. Dom is too so lots of sun screen and ya a hat... Abby doesn't keep hers on so she has to stay under the covered area... lol.. love that girl

Dominic loves to be outside... Grandma as a bird feeder right out back and can I tell you this little boy really does love it... there is also a bird house not in this pic that Dom could watch for hours they the birds have a nest in it and they come and go all day long.. he just loves it... Dom could be outside 365days of the year he loves it... even when its raining he is known for being outside in is cozy coop waiting for the rain to past. Yes he is my son... I love him with all my heart...

My two little ones they just love to talk and smile I know when they were sitting here they were talking to their Grandma Bev.. Abby is telling her about the flowers and that she is putting a daisy with those baby roses... Dom he is probably telling her a joke... That is how I see my two little ones... just being kids and doing good funny little things...

This was Mother's Day we went up to see Mikes mom... It was a wonderful day... The sun was out and the ground wasn't wet. So we got the kids out and let them take the flowers over and they both sat right down next to mom... Abby really had a good time she opened up moms card and Dom he likes to run around... But when he comes over to see Grandma Bev he sits there and in my mind and heart I know he is talking to her. Every time that we pull threw the gates Dom is always smiling... when he was a baby baby the first time we went he was sleeping but when we pulled threw the gate its like mom was waiting and going for his nose and I think she still does that's why he gets so excited. You would think its a place you go to morn and I can say we do. But for Dom its a place he knows makes him happy he can laugh cause Grandma is there... Abby she is usually asleep when we get there and she wakes up.... Mothers Day though was different she had a light in her eye something as though she knew there was a reason we were there. she loved to just sit in the grass and you know she knows...

I love my family and I love spending time with them. They really are the joy of my life... they are the loves of my life

Saturday, May 1, 2010

one day at a time is all I need

I was sitting here reading everyone else's blogs... and can I just say its the most amazing thing to know that I'm not the only mom out there who feels like all she does is go go go.... well that is how I feel.. Working and taking care of a family. Its not an easy thing to do... I have so many things going on right now...its not good at times.. Just like we took a vacation came home and when I got paid it wasn't what I wanted to see and what did I have to do start selling things on craig's list just to make rent. Then Dominic and Abby both got sick when we were in Vegas... and now Abby has and ear infection.. Dominic is (Dom) we love them both and yes its a hard thing can I say. There are times when I tell myself are you crazy having two kids 11months apart. That's the most crazy thing you could have done.. yes but you know what they make me so happy its not even funny... ya right now I have some challenges and its really hard but time will get me there... When I had Abigail we were getting Dominic to stop taking the bottle but once he saw his little sister want it he then wanted it. Ya to say the least he is 19months old and still takes a bottle at night for bed. How in the world do I stop this???

Dominic is my little man I don't know what I would do without him...I think back to the day he was born and that I was so excited when sitting in the chair talking to my sister for a long time and then saying I need to take a rest... then asking Mike to draw me a bath and as I walked into the bathroom my water broke... I remember thinking its time my little Dominic Patrick is going to be her today I was so excited..... getting to the hospital and waiting and waiting then as I did the second push and he came out but wasn't breathing and my heart sank my little boy wasn't breathing he was blue/purple..... and they were pumping his little chest...all I could think was what have I done wrong... then there he was breathing and they whisked him away and then to come find out he had a whole in his lung... and that they had to keep him in the ICU it was the scariest thing ever.. The day we brought him home I wouldn't leave him alone I didn't want to let him be away from me... I was always making sure he was breathing... he is my miracle baby he is my Dominic (Dom, Bubba, and baby boy)....

Abigail she was my little girl who really didn't' want to come out.... she would have rather stayed in. The night before I had Abigail was one of those nights of is she going to come... they had to induce me.... then she took her time... they tried everything moving me from one side to another... then finally I thought something feels really weird... I think she is coming... and what do you know she was.... I pushed and pushed then all of a sudden the doctor says she is stuck her shoulder is stuck her heart rate went down and they pushed the button on the wall and let me tell you people flu in there.... all of a sudden my heard was down as far as it could go and my butt in the air... and a nurse on top of me pushing on my belly to get her out... they had to cut me and there was my little Abigail Charlotte...she was out... and crying... oh my goodness she was going... but you know what it was amazing she was put right up on my chest and man that was my chubby cheek girl and she looked just like her mama.... Abigail (Abby, Sissy, and my little girl)....

These are my two kids and they mean the world to me. I really don't know what I would do without them. They are my everything.....

Mike and I got married Nov. 19,2009 This is also his moms birthday and also my parents wedding anniversary..... this was one of those days where we had a good time with the kids in the morning got them dressed in the afternoon and went to the court house... My mom, Benny, Mikes dad and the kids and us... got married in front of the judge then went home ... A very simple but wonderful day... we can say that we are married and you know what he means the world to me. He will never know how much he really means to me.. I know I tell him I love him all the time but he doesn't know how much I really do love him. He is my everything... we may have our ups and downs but everyone does... he may go from job to job....but that's what is going on threw a temp agency.. things will change and things will get better... But what I do know is that our relationship will only grow and get stronger... Mike you are my everything and I know you don't understand that but you mean so much to me. I LOVE YOU!

Well now its time to rest... this was nice to get things out but I really just want to lay in bed and close my eyes... think about what the days will bring... good night